Speedway 20X4


Course Coordinator: Dr. Paul Pounds

Email: paul.pounds-at-uq.edu.au - my preferred method of contact; put "METR4810" in the subject

Office phone: I have no idea - I never use it, but I'll answer if you bother looking it up.

Room: 78-529 General Purpose South, Floor 5 - turn right at the elevator, look for the postit notes.

Hours: Available during class hours in my office or in the lab. In my office 10-2 pm weekdays outside of class hours, or at Wordsmiths.


John Geddes - john.geddes-at-uqconnect.edu.au

Reuben Strydom - reuben.strydom-at-uqconnect.edu.au

Marty Papamanolis -